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PTA Board

2023-24 Board Officers

Officer Position

Officer Name


Erin Rodgers


Hunter Yuro


Ruby Cowie

VP Fundraising

Courteney Medina

VP Programs


VP Communications

Priscilla Mathis




Erin Dimberg

Financial Secretary

Jenn Dalrymple

Financial Reviewer



2023-24 Chair Positions

Chair Position



Caitlin Lassen

Book Fair

Heather Lee

Color Run/Jog-a-thon


Comfort Kits

Lynn Lebitsch

Community Events

Hunter Yuro


Stacey Milgram-Hicks

Movie Night

Jennifer Molinets, Heather Lee

Multicultural Week


Parents Night Out


School Dance

Caitlin Lassen

Staff Appreciation

Stacey Milgram-Hicks, Erin Dimberg, Hunter Yuro


Lisa Quartararo, Elizabeth Harrison


Allyson Verity, Michelle Jones

Room Parent

Hunter Yuro


Michelle Jones, Megan Miller


Board meetings

The Mountain Meadows PTA board meets on a monthly basis to plan our programs, services and fundraisers throughout the year.

All PTA members registered for the 2023-24 school year are invited to attend our three General Association PTA meetings, which will be held in the Mountain Meadows Elementary Library at 6 p.m. on the following dates:

  • Wednesday, Sept. 13, 2023

  • Wednesday, Jan. 10, 2024

  • Wednesday, Mar. 13, 2024

What happens at a General Association PTA meeting?

PTA meetings are a great way to hear directly from the principal about what’s going on at Mountain Meadows, as well as help contribute to decisions about PTA programs and events. The general agenda for a typical PTA meeting includes:

  • Welcome

  • Approval of minutes (from the last meeting)

  • Principal’s report

  • President’s report

  • Treasurer’s report

  • Unfinished business

  • New business

  • Committee reports

  • Announcements

  • Adjournment

If and when you go to a PTA meeting, you’re likely to hear motions, approvals, calls for member votes, etc. It might seem strange or even a little intimidating, but it’s just how we run the meetings. PTA meetings are governed by our unit’s bylaws and Robert’s Rules of Order. While these rules go far beyond what’s needed for a typical parent group (after all, they’re used for the United Nations!), the key concepts work well to keep meetings organized and flowing. An orderly, well-run meeting is best for everyone.

PTA Board Position Descriptions

President, Treasurer and Secretary are the minimum required positions to run our PTA, but having other executive and chair positions filled means that we can do more for our school community! More PTA positions and descriptions are available on CAPTA’s website.


  • Oversees and coordinates the work of an executive board to run a PTA effectively

  • Presides over PTA board and association meetings

  • Serves as the official contact, communicator and representative of the PTA

  • Designated as an authorized signer for PTA checks, contracts and authorization for payment

  • Serves as ex‐officio member of all committees except for the nomination committee

  • Works with other PTA leaders to connect families, school and community to support student success.

  • Cannot be related by blood or marriage nor reside in the same household as Treasurer or Financial Secretary


  • Maintains permanent records to track unit funds and financial transactions 

  • Chairs budget committee and prepares annual budget for adoption by the association 

  • Pays all PTA bills as authorized by the board and association 

  • Prepares reports for every board and association meeting and an annual financial report

  • Ensures taxes and reports required by PTA bylaws, insurance or federal and state government are completed and submitted by the due date

  • Cannot be related by blood or marriage nor reside in the same household as President and Financial Secretary


  • Takes minutes at the board and association meetings 

  • Co‐signs formal papers with president: authorizations for payment, resolutions and formal letters 

  • Maintains and preserves PTA records and important documents to pass on at the end of the term 

  • Keep current list of members provided by the membership chair 

  • Keep a current signed original set of the bylaws and standing rules 

  • Cannot be a check signer

Contact us

If you have a question or are interested in joining the PTA board as an officer or chair, email us at